Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wikipedia - An oncology nurse is a specialized nurse who cares for cancer patients.

What does Wikipedia know? Does Wikipedia know that an oncology nurse at any moment may be caring for multiple patients, delivering a myriad of drugs, yet with the single focus and precious commitment they attend to you. Does Wikipedia know that when you first see your oncologist that the nurse will become your greatest advocate and mentor in your toughest journey. Does Wikipedia know that your oncologist nurse hurts when you hurt and laughs at your foibles and jumps for joy like no other at your successes - they watch you fight the fight of your life!

My oncology nurses, Pat and Nancy along with the whole support team at the Weill Cornell Medical Center / Jay Monahan Center at NY Presbyterian Hosptial hold my heart on my toughest days and deliver it back to me when I have strength....every patient should be as lucky as I am.
