Thursday, September 18, 2008

FMI - Food Marking Show Las Vegas May 4 -7 2008

Ah Las Vegas - Via Las Vegas! Out at FMI to sell the Jim Beam licensing program....had some great meetings and dinner with a favorite client - Jeff Christensen from Jim Beam. The program is growing and the momentum is really starting to taking off. Retail components were coming into place and launching of new restaurant service products were kicking of new relationships.

I had just moved in to the food sector when coming on board at The Licensing Company and enjoying a whole new world. Many of you know my great passion of food and drink and friends and Beam was proving to fill all three.

Still feeling a bit under the weather and scheduled CAT scan when I get back to New York. Had my last burger poolside - need to focus on more fruits and veggies.

Amelia is graduating any day and the big transition to college is taking place - she selected Hobart William Smith and having been awarded a fantastic scholarship we are beyond proud of her - she leaves me speechless; which all my friends know is no easy task. She is loved and will be missed not only by her family but many great friends and her graduating school and teachers. I am proud that my daughter extended herself in so many ways - volunteering for her piers in guidance counseling gave her the opportunity to have a wonderful friend and mentor with her own counselor. She ends her high school years as captain of her soccer team and a division win as a junior. We know she will go on to have more poignant adventures both academically and in her great big life, and oh how I am enjoying watching - even if now by the sidelines.
