Thursday, December 2, 2010

Who, What, Where, When, Why and How?

I originally started this blog when thinking of my "Empty Nest" with the impending departure of my daughter off to college in the fall of 2008.  We were relishing in her accomplishments and I also feared the loss of her leaving and what would I be left with. Would I celebrate? Would I be paralyzed by time and the need to let go? Could it be a combination? I imagined myself being vulnerable and writing about my experience and that I would connect with others and possibly thrive at a new chapter in my life. Then I got side tracked with cancer that same year and this blog became more about that. Cancer was an experience and opportunity to grow from, but when it was over I found I am still the same me. So I wanted to start this project again. Who am I now as the consuming role of motherhood has changed? Who am I after facing a life threatening disease? What do I want the second half of my life to look like, feel like and be? Will I find disappointment? Will there be joyful celebration? How do I manage change?

For now what I have found, in the days of independence and in the adventure of returning to school is that I am as complex as many, and in someways much the women I was before Amelia came into my life. I carry my baggage of a lifetime and some of it is heavy, burdensome and old and some is new. So I've decided to write....write about co-parenting after separation and divorce, family both the immediate and afar, world issues, PTSD, ODC, compassion, forgiveness, ADD, poetry, art, psychology, community, friendship, communication, photography, Love, hate, anger, music, money, meditation, women's issues, men's issues, aging, being young and vulnerable, adolescents, the terrible twos and twenties, careers, economics, ambitions, dreams...and so much more.  

This will be my journey.