Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Keeping Track of Cancer

I have a lot to do in my of my new responsibilities is to keep track and up to date on a slippery disease called "cancer".   When I interviewed oncologists, one told me something I will never forget..."This is not a fight, this is a very strategic process and you must act aware".  There are no guarantees, but I do this with the tools that a number of great organizations out there provide for the cancer community - see "connect with others" on this page.  Under organizations like CancerCare and The Lance Armstrong Foundation you can find information on specific areas of the disease that may be of help for your own individual journey.   Take advantage - these are truly dedicated organizations and are there to help!  

In the past month I have learnt new up-to-date information on Colon Cancer Health with over 1,000 individuals on the teleconference from around the world.  The content featured doctors and nutritionists from MD Anderson, Dana-Farber and the State University of Louisiana - serving as the largest teleconference call in the history of CancerCare.  I also participate in additional teleconferences offered through CancerCare on being a Survivor, am on the message board with the Colon Cancer Alliance and keep a up to date on how I can care for myself in general through exercise, nutrition and spiritual practices or "mental time outs".    You can also help others and make a contribution - I have highlighted both
 CancerCare and LIVESTRONG for your convenience....

From the Manifesto of The Lance Armstrong Foundation:

...."We believe in life.  Your life.  We belive in living every minute of it with every ounce of your being...and that you must not let cancer take control of it.  We believe in energy channeled and fierce.  We believe in focus: getting smart and living strong...Knowledge is power.  Attitude is everything...."

