I woke up early - 4:00 AM. There had been lots of talk among family with my birthday coming up. Birth is our first recognition of our arrival into this experience of "life"...so it was no wonder while going through cancer treatment that the idea of being here still and making a birthday was touching my family. I don't know which is harder - the idea of an illness taking my life and pondering that thought and what happens with death or how my family and loved ones would be affected. I know these comments are hard to hear....and I did have a birthday and it was wonderful.
We started the day very early - I felt compelled to see the sunrise and Michael was kind enough to join me for a ride out to Rockaway beach. Living in NYC seeing the sunrise, actually coming up over the horizon takes a bit of effort - and when you do the reward is fantastic, humbling...that life is so much bigger than us which was a perfect way to start the day.
That whole idea of life being bigger than us became a bit of the theme for the day - once we recovered from our early morning rise we headed off to the Museum of Natural History and the origins of man wing...it was all so spontaneous and not planned and turned out to be a perfect way to spend the day. Just think of the whale that hangs over the hall of sea life and how big that is - huge and how small we are in comparison! Or the tree base showing the rings of life
for hundreds of years! You know we all have such a finite experience here and we often forget to celebrate each moment - don't worry too much about what has happened or what may happen. Yeah it so much easier said than done....we all just need to try.
Happy days and birthdays to you all...Michael thank you for the very special day.
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