Monday, October 13, 2008

Jen's Blast Thursday Oct 16th

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you to all who are helping organize and have made contributions to create such great success for this event - Felice, Glen, Steve, Teresa, Donna, Vicki, Jane and Hugh. Thank you thank you thank you to all the businesses and friends who have donated for the raffle and silent auction - your unquestioning generosity is profound to me. Thank you so much to all my friends, and most humbling to the people who only know us from the request of my friends, for donations that have been made and mailed even before the event has taken place.

I also want to thank Michael Hewitt who has been keeping Amelia and I afloat with his hard work. This is so not what we expected - what I expected as a mom and woman who has worked my whole life.

I don't have words enough for all of you....for a community that has been here for me for over 20 years. May I continue to be there for all of you in ways that you may need - please never hesitate to ask.

Warmest regards,


Unknown said...

I will be there in spirit as I am 8 months pregnant stuck here in CA. for now. Don't forget about the ALL GIRL SKATE JAM deck we are donating to your cause for the raffle/silent auction. I did not see it listed. We will ship to the winner.
Stay strong and keep the faith you will make it through this.
God is great!
Patty XOoxox

jen said...

Patty you rock! Thanks for the donation of the deck - I would love to put it up on the web page that we are keeping up for another month.

Congrats on your pending venture into motherhood - what a lucky child!
